Thursday, November 15, 2007

BREAKING: Bio-Chemical Masks Found In Diyala...UPDATE; Iranian Weapons and Det Cord Found


Rolling Updates below...

We had the Right Brothers on the BTR show, American Truth Warriors, a while back and we also have the idiots Olberman's reaction to The Right Brothers...the poor slug owes all kinds of people apologies for just breathing, let alone for harm done to others in the name of falling ratings.

Bush Was Right...

I have been monitoring several news outlets for a Breaking News Story from Fox News in regards to Coalition Forces (read that SO) finding 40(+) biological/chemical (and nuclear) masks in a "insurgent" safe house and torture house in Diyala Province, Iraq.

I wonder what this Emir was up to?

Spree has a story running on this as well. We will keep y'all updated as the story unfolds.
I just heard it on the news and I will link when it hits the web but they are reporting that 40 biological and chemical warfare masks have been found in a torture house where al-Qaeda was executing people.

The possibilities at this point are two-fold.

1st: They were expecting to be attacked by biological or chemical weapons and had the masks to protect themselves.

#2: They were planning to use biological or chemical weapons and had the masks so it would not affect them.

They also found substantial weapon caches at that location.

As more news come out I will provide the links and more information.


It could also be a stash that has gone undetected until now, in preparation for use against the US and others in the Free World.

Intel Reports: Saddam Could Have Had Nukes By 2007
[...] Saddam may not have had nuclear weapons in his arsenal in 2003, but if the United States would have bowed to international pressure and backed down from Saddam rather than invading, then the intelligence is overwhelming that he would have become a nuclear power in 2007; today. This isn't supposition or reading tea leaves either. It’s where this week's news stories come to the forefront. [...]
Great article over at Flopping Aces...go read it. Political Vindication has a good piece as well.

Ray Robison reports the same conclusions as does Ace and Newsbusters. There is more at MRC and macsmind. The Newsbusters coverage is outstanding.

[A Newt One UPDATE]

Fox News FINALLY comes up with video and a story to actually read. Spree and I have been following this closely and this is from Spree...
[...] [Update] They are now saying the house was also being used as a bomb making factory at one time.

[Update #2] The house was in Diyala Province, Iraq. [Once an al-Qaeda stronghold]

[Update #3] They are now announcing that Iranian arms and ammo has also been found in the torture house.

Flashback: Remember that back in March they were reporting that Chlorine attacks had been repulsed, in March that was the eighth attack of that kind.

Still waiting for links to hit the web to show you.

As more news come out I will provide the links and more information.


Snooper at A Newt One is also all over the news on this too with some interesting links.

[Update #4] Finally a link online to the story:

BAGHDAD — Coalition troops in Iraq found a torture house with five skeletons and 40 nuclear, biological and chemical weapons masks, a U.S. general told FOX News on Thursday.

Brig. Gen. James Boozer said forces found execution equipment and chains in the house in the Diyala River Valley, an Al Qaeda stronghold north of Baghdad, as he touted progress in bolstering Iraqi security forces and said Iran seems to be holding to a commitment to thwart the flow of weapons into Iraq.

• Click here to view video.

"I think we're at here an historical point in the history of Iraq," said Boozer, commander of Multi-National Division-North in Iraq.

Boozer said it appears Iran is keeping its promise to Iraqi leaders to helping stop the flow of roadside bombs into Iraq, which has contributed to a decrease in attacks.

"We've seen no increase in or any indication that the Iranians have stepped up the influx of arms or weapons into Iraq. It looks like they are holding up to their agreement," he said.
This is the second time we have seen reports about a decline in Iranian weapons coming into Iraq... thats a good thing.

More to follow as others begin reporting...

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