Tuesday, November 13, 2007

For Our Readers: 101st Airborne Reports


Brought to us from DVIDS:
Sunni, Shia, IA Leaders Meet on Neutral Ground

By Sgt. 1st Class Kerensa Hardy
3rd Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division

CAMP STRIKER, Iraq-More than a dozen sheiks and other influential leaders from southern Baghdad congregated on neutral territory, Nov. 10, at Camp Striker.

Among the leaders present was the mayor of Mahmudiyah, Mouyad Fadil, and Lt. Col. Mohammed Fatkan al Farhan, commander of the 3rd Battalion, 4th Brigade, 6th Iraqi Army Division.

The roundtable was hosted by War Rakkasans of the 1st Squadron, 33rd Cavalry Regiment, 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault). The Rakkasans' goal was to provide a place on neither Sunni nor Shia territory to discuss moving forward for the security and future of Iraq.

The aim was to bring sheiks from different religious sects to sit down together and create a plan to move forward, said Capt. Seth Palmer, 1-33rd Cav. Regt. Additionally, there is hope that the meeting will open the door for future dialogue, Palmer said.

The forum was opened and facilitated by Col. Dominic Caraccilo, 3rd BCT, 101st Abn. Div. commander, and Lt. Col. Brian Coppersmith, 1-33rd Cav. Regt. commander.

"We've recognized the importance of the sheiks. The importance of the tribes is absolutely decisive to the success we will achieve here in Iraq," Caraccilo said. "For so long you have heard empty promises and we have heard empty promises, and together we've promised each other to do better and it's time now to fulfill those promises."

Sheik Kadem Shibli lauded the American hosts for recognizing the sheiks' position in the Iraqi culture. "The sheik is very important in this region," he said through an interpreter. "Tribes are the infrastructure of our Iraqi community."

"We are ready for any form of cooperation and support for building a better Iraq and to eliminate all the danger," Shibli said. [...]
This is more good news the "progressives', read that as "liberals", cannot stomach.
New Bastogne Veterans Proud to Serve

By Maj. Johnpaul Arnold
1st BCT, 101st Abn. Div.

CONTINGENCY OPERATING BASE SPEICHER, Iraq-Veterans Day in Iraq ushered in right-shoulder combat patches for the Bastogne Soldiers of the 426th Brigade Support Battalion, 1st Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division (air assault) Early this morning, the "Task Master" Battalion held a combat patch ceremony to honor its Soldiers' sacrifice and duty to their country.

The 426th BSB Commander Lt. Col. Greg Anderson spoke to the newly inducted combat soldiers saying, "All of you have joined the Army or re-enlisted to stay in the Army knowing full well you would deploy and serve in combat. You are part of less than one-tenth of 1 percent of Americans who have made that commitment, and for that I thank you."

After completing his Veterans Day comments, Lt. Col. Anderson and Command Sgt. Maj. Lester Stephens, placed a combat patch on the battalion colors bearer, battalion staff, company commanders, and first sergeants. Commanders and first sergeants then placed the Screaming Eagle patch on their Soldiers' right shoulders.

Pfc. Victoria Young, a 19-year-old signal support systems specialist from Naples, Fla., serves with B Company and shares a new connection with her grandfather: "I am very proud because I am with the 101st which is really great, and my grandpa was with the 82nd." Young said she felt extremely special because not many people get to experience such service to their country.

Another new veteran, Pfc. Jamie Chestnut of C Co., sees this morning's ceremony as a significant milestone. Chestnut, a Health Care Specialist and native of Austin, Texas, said of her service to the nation: "It feels like a giant step, like I have accomplished something that a lot of people will never be able to say that they have done. It feels really good."
Something else the Leftinistra abhor...courage and undaunting sacrifice.

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