Monday, November 5, 2007

From My Friend Boaz

I met "boaz" many moons ago at the most lamest of blogs/forums located at the web site and we renamed it, about 2 years ago, the MIT...Moonbats In Training blog. It seemed that the Moonbats used that place as a breeding ground for idiots and every once in a while, a Moonbat would graduate and MoveOn. anyway, since then, we have all moved on to bigger and better battlegrounds and the GOP has recognized a severe drop off of "concerned citizens' and are in the process of cleaning the place up. No matter. The battlefields have relocated. Boaz is particularly interesting in that his perspectives on several issues are SPOT ON! Boaz blogs over at Townhall and below are some snippets.

Jim Cash Brig. Gen Ret.
[...] On the other hand, we have several very angry retired generals today, who evidently have not achieved their lofty goals, and insist on ranting and raving about the war. They are wrong, and doing the country great harm by giving a certain political party reason to use them as experts to back their anti-war claims. [...]
Cruise through his blog when you get a chance.

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