Tuesday, November 6, 2007

A Good Question...Who Are Ron Paul's Supporters?

That is the $4.3M question . An impressive on-line Blitz raised eyebrows and concerns from some Presidential Aspirants. Myself, an Independent, know who the defenders of the Ronniev Pauiliev mantra of Blame America First are. They are of the same ilk as the Far Left Fruit Loop Brigades. Why else do they "march" lock-step and ignorant with the likes of ANSWER and Code Pepto Dismal?

Everywhere you go that an anti-war protest is going on, you will find Ronniev Pauliev supporters hanging with the anti-America crowds; the Blame America First Crowds; the Hate America Crowds.

Ronniev Pauliev is a fraud. Plain and simple. He and his blantantly ignorant supporters might as well be Leftinistra Bleeding Heart Liberals.

Catch the wave.

See also: Power Line ; Say Anything ; Politico ; Q and O ; Instapundit ; Captain's Quarters ; KOS

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