Friday, November 23, 2007

Hillary: The Sickness of The Beguiled


The Budding Leninist, Czarina, the Modern American Progressive, is a Clear and Present Danger to the very survival of Traditional America. Traditional America is under attack by these budding Leninists, calling themselves "Progressives". If one carefully examines the mantra of said same, one will see that which they prattle and yammer upon is Socialism with a smattering of Communism, disguised as "progressive".

What are these "progressives" progressing towards? No one on "their" side of the aisle, whichever that side might be, has explained their talking dulls satisfactorily, have they? Does anyone even know? I have performed a scientific study and I do believe that our team has discovered the ailment causing the sickness that "progressivism" is. It is kind of scary and without further ado, we provide a CT Scan of a "progressive' we found wondering aimlessly around SE Texas, incoherent, inaudible and in dire need of a rubber room.

And there you have it. We call it Hillaroncasinseptocacka. Like the Sci Fi Borg technology, the human brain was injected with this nanoprobes and this victim of this tragic attack fought the assimilation to their ultimate peril. It deteriorated the thought process to the point that the victim actually drowned in its own drivel. The recorded dying words were, "Bush did it".

The nanoprobes disintegrated immediately following death.

In other news, we find that the Hillaryscare Campaign is in a tizzy over their stature in Iowa. It seems as though that damn Obama character is actually pulling ahead.

Naturally, her apparent falling from grace could be a direct result of the criminal activity she has conveniently side-stepped and her money-bag and emotional standard bearers are charlatans.

Some are saying that her woes are catching up with her now that Czarina is making a play to The Big House...woops...The White House.

As the Czarina expresses her feigned caring drivel towards our troops, we are reminded how our troops think of her. As for her sexual inclinations, I really don't care but the rumor is still out there and I am with is just a rumor at this point and it really should be left well enough alone.

With her woes in Iowa making the road ahead indeed troublesome, her paperwork is being held hostage someplace and is due to be released but the delay-game is "Rather" irksome. I would rather see these documents that are sure to pin-point her qualifications to be CIC...without them, what is her justification?

The Dema Sutra positions of the Budding Leninist, as intriguing and hard to track and keep up with are "Rather" typical of a liar, charlatan and someone with something to hide, I find her inability to maintain eye contact all too revealing.

Her ever "evolving" and "progressive" (whatever that means) pseudonyms for whatever position she takes with whatever the prevailing winds are at the time, is always so evasive and unclear to the minds of the intellectually sound. With the continuing scandals surfacing, I find it interesting that she even shows herself in the public eye. The Clinton machine pathway is littered with the bodies of those that know the Real Deal.

What should serve as an adequate wake-up call to the American People is being shunted to ground and her supporters include terrorists and their moppets.

Carl Rove says she can be beat but the road to defeat for the Czarina would be an easier path if her drones would wake-up to smell the coffee and to call into question her patriotism or better yet, ask the question as to what she is actually patriotic towards.

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