Friday, November 9, 2007

Joe Biden Proves My Point


The Dishonorable mutant named
Biden was interviewed by The New Hampshire Union Leader earlier today and what he said proves what I have been yammering on about for at least 10 years. "We The People" have been blatantly ignored by the politicians and have been for much longer than the 10 years I have been on my soapbox.

"We The People" have been under attack by The Political Elite and we are to take for granted that "they" are much more educated than we are and that "they" know best and it beyond our levels of comprehension to actually know what we want the government to do for us. They no longer want a rule by consent from "We The People". They want to rule us and that is that.

Here's what The Biden said: (among other things)
Sen. Joe Biden said in an interview at the New Hampshire Union Leader this afternoon that too many Democrats, including the frontrunners for the presidential nomination, do not have faith in the American people. [...]
Earth to Joe! Earth to Joe! See if Kucinich can spare a few moments from his UFOers and make room for you. It is "WE THE PEOPLE" that have lost faith in YOUR ilk in DC!

Get a clue you hairball!

Others catching the wave...

Catch the wave.

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