Saturday, November 17, 2007

Mona Charen Assails Ronniev Pauliev


And, rightfully so. The guy is a fruit loop and if his voice gets any higher he could play a part in the young boys choir. The guy is a flake. It seems as though some Paultards, Pauliacs, fellow membrane dissolvers were writing (read that spamming) Mona and this is her reply:

Up at RCP:
[...] Ron Paul is inconsistent. Though he calls himself a man of principle and is apparently admired as such by his ardent fans, his principles seem somewhat elastic. He rails against the Bush administration for its supposed assault on civil liberties, yet when he was asked at one of the debates whether Scooter Libby deserved a pardon, he said no. [...]

Ron Paul is historically challenged. He argues that by embracing isolationism, he fits within a Republican tradition stretching back to Eisenhower "who stopped the Korean War" and including Nixon "who stopped the war in Vietnam." Let's recap. Eisenhower threatened to use nuclear weapons against China. It was the Eisenhower administration that had a hand in toppling Iran's Mohammad Mossedegh (an intervention that Paul has elsewhere cited as causing the U.S. grief 25 years later when the Islamists took power.) Eisenhower also intervened in Guatemala, Cuba (planning for the Bay of Pigs began during his tenure) and Lebanon. [...]

Ron Paul is unserious. Suggesting that you will eliminate the IRS, the CIA, the FBI and other government agencies within weeks of taking office is ridiculous. These are bumper stickers, not serious reform proposals.

Ron Paul is too cozy with kooks and conspiracy theorists. As syndicated radio host Michael Medved has pointed out, Ron Paul's newspaper column was carried by the American Free Press (a parent publication of the Hitler-praising Barnes Review). [...]

[...] Ron Paul is the favorite candidate of a number of racist, neo-Nazi and conspiracist websites. [...]

[...] Moreover, Paul seems to be playing a sly game with his conspiracy-minded fans. He does not explicitly endorse the crazier theories out there, but he hints at dark forces in the U.S. government threatening our liberties, he inveighs against the "neo-cons" (shorthand for Jews in some circles) and he gives aid and comfort to the paranoid by appearing on their favorite radio shows.

No, Ron Paul is not my candidate. Not for president. He might make a dandy new leader for the Branch Davidians.
You'll have to go read the rest by clicking the link. The tid-bits I placed here really doesn't do the article any justice. Suffice it to say, the vast majority of Americans think Ron Paul needs serious mental help.

Catch the wave:

See other Ron Paul data here and here.
Discussion: Tom Watson and Liberal Values

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