Thursday, November 22, 2007

On This Day of Thanksgiving...


Catch the wave at memeorandum...

Let us remember those in Harms Way that are ensuring the security for those of us Stateside. I want to bring to the fore, the good News that has transpired since January 2007. First and foremost, I wish to thank General David Petraeus for his insight, character and tenacity. In a recent article in the WSJ, he spells things out quite clearly and it is all too obvious how oblivious and back-handed the Democratic Party Leadership is. It seems as though they they are setting things up to take credit for actions already in the works. Click the link and read for yourselves. Placing snippets here will not render due justice to the piece. The article is entitled "This Is Not a Light Switch".

As we consider those away that understand what Thanksgiving means in Afghanistan, we can know for a surety that the Good News there is shared by many.

Let us be thankful that the ever vigilant arms of those that know are keeping one step ahead of our enemies.

Let us be forever grateful and thankful that the foreign fighter influx into Iraq has been halved since the Surge that wouldn't or couldn't make a difference has made a major difference and, the flowing gains the Defeatocrats said would never happen has happened...
**Violence in Iraq is down by 50%.
**Civilian casualties in Iraq are down by 60%.
**Baghdad casualties are down by 75%.
**Basra violence is down by 90%.
**Terrorist attacks in Iraq are down by 80%.
**IED attacks down by 55%.
**Average daily attacks down by 42%.
**Foreign insurgent flow into Iraq down by more than 50%
**Suicide bombings down 70% since March
Let us be eternally thankful that our troops are having such a devastating affect on the enemy that the Iraqis in Syria will be transported home by the droves.

As Political Vindication so appropriately states, let us be thankful that our troops are kicking ass.

We should be thankful for men like Jules Crittenden, Michael Yon, and organizations like IBD Editorials. They, among others, bring us unabashed and verifiable data...the Good News that the Lame Stream and Defeatocrats cringe upon when heard.

I am thankful for men like Brig. Gen. James C Boozer, Jr.

We should all be grateful for Good News that the Leftinistra exposes their agends(s). We should be thankful that men such on Don Surber keeps the ball rolling on tracking the polls that shows the Leftinistra for what they are...anti-Americanists. Don says the Leftinistra are Galluping into obscurity.

We should be thankful for bloggers such as The Van Der Galiƃ«n Gazette that bring us a different slant from a different land. Redstate, Chicago's Ray, Macsmind, Gateway Pundit, Wake Up America, Amy Proctor the Army Wife, all bring us their perspectives with their individualized conclusions, unlike the lock-step "sillitudes" we find amongst the Leftinistra.

The Captain's Quarters brings us reasoned and factual presentations. Our troops leave no stone unturned to root out the snakes from under their rocks. We see that the War Is Lost In Iraq mantra from OBL and our troops are beating down the enemy in Afghanistan., the forgotten war.

We should be thankful that because General Petraeus was right, he has been selected to bring up the new Leadership in the United States Army. We should be thankful that bloggers such as The Astute Bloggers remind everyone of the media bias that exists in regards to Victory In Iraq.

The Jawa Report, Blackfive, Q and O, The Weekly Standard, Hot Air, bring us cutting satire and true grit wit to cause folks to pause and dwell upon that which they believe.

We should be thankful that AQ's networks are being dismantled one Jihadi at a time to the degree that they are running from Iraqi and American Forces.

We should be thankful that neither Al Gore of John Kerry are Presidents. We should be thankful that Iraqi Shiites have condemned Iranian violent influences within Iraq. We should be grateful to heroic actions by our Fighting Men and women.

We should be thankful that all of the recent anti-Americanist Hollyweird movies have "udderly" tanked into the sewer from which they were spawned, especially Cuban's Retarded, I mean Redacted.

Yes, we as a nation have so much to be thankful for yet, the Leftinistra would have us believe that this is a day of mourning. It really must suck to be such a pathetic blog of crap as they.

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