Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Pelosi and Reid Get Bush Slapped...UPDATED


HT to Flopping Aces Flopping Aces has a piece up describing Good News from Iraq in that the citizens of Iraq are now standing with the United States military in circumstances in the past, they would have run away from.

In the piece, there is a reference to an article from the Federal Times. In this article, it describes how the feelings of Pelosi and Reid were hurt and they wrote GWB a letter, by God! This really is too much. GWB vetoed a bill that the two worse ever leaders of CONgress has ever seen KNEW would be vetoed thus, wasting untold millions of tax payers' money, all in the name of a political statement. Here are two key elements of this letter; an attempt to scold GWB and soon followed by GWB's slap across the face.
[...] "Key to this some willingness on your part to actually find common ground," Pelosi and Reid wrote. "Thus far, we have seen only a hard line drawn and a demand that we send only legislation that reflects your cuts."

But the White House appears to be standing firm, requiring that the bills be within the president's requested funding level before receiving his signature.

Short of the president's approval, the only way to pass the spending bills is to override his vetoes.

"We encourage Congress to work quickly to send the remaining appropriations bills one at a time...and within the reasonable spending limits recommended by the president'" White House Press Secretary Dana Perino said last week. [...]

Here comes the Bush Slap...

[...] "The failure of Congress to carry out its basic responsibility to fund the government cannot be resolved with letters. It can only be resolved by Congress getting its work done, and not wasting dwindling legislative days on political statements and legislation that will never become law." (emphasis mine)
Can you just imagine the ReidCo dance?
Dance ReidCo Dance!!

Snakes and Snails begin to wail and gnash teeth

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