Monday, November 19, 2007

Pretty Bizarre: NYT prints A Positive Story (sort of)


About 20 minutes ago, this story popped up in my reader and my first thoughts upon reading the title was, "Where's the 'but'?"

Baghdad Starts to Exhale as Security Improves

This is a story about a family that has returned to their home in Baghdad, seeing that the violence is down. It is indeed a touching story but the the usual taint of it is America's fault is readily discernible. I may be wrong about that but I doubt it. Of the several snips and quips I detected, this one stands out like a sore thumb to me. emphasis added is mine.
[...] The security improvements in most neighborhoods are real. Days now pass without a car bomb, after a high of 44 in the city in February. The number of bodies appearing on Baghdad's streets has plummeted to about 5 a day, from as many as 35 eight months ago, and suicide bombings across Iraq fell to 16 in October, half the number of last summer and down sharply from a recent peak of 59 in March, the American military says. [...]
So, is there any doubt? Please forgive the suspicions I have about the Lame Stream Media but just once...just once...i would Like to see a Good News piece without the "but" crap.

Catch the wave at memeorandum:

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