Tuesday, November 13, 2007

The Progressives (read liberals) Live In Fear of Ronald Wilson Reagan


I find it interesting as I read the "progressive" tripe from those that are trying, in vain I will add, to discredit America's best President we have ever had since George Washington.

I lived through Reaganomics and I lived through some of the most profitable years this country has ever experienced. I witnessed the revival of American Patriotism and the defeat of the Evil Empire of the former USSR.

The allegations as set forth by the likes of Bob Herbert, Talk Left, The Carpetbagger Report, Lean Left, Bark Bark Woof Woof, Lawyers, Guns and Money, and the Washington Monthly, all I can think of is the thought that these people are drunk on the talking dulls of the insignificant and uneducated. I dare say that none of these people experienced in real time the Reagan Conservative Revolution. If they did, they hated it because the Leftinistra lost at every turn.

Daniel W Drezner: seeing that the NY Slimes has decided to mock the blogosphere and the opening volley is railing against the Venerable RWR, Daniel is starting a "Mimic the New York Times Op-ed Columnist Contest". Have at it and have fun.

The socialists at Talk Left seem to think that their fellow socialist Herbert has a great piece out...that figures. RWR pretty much single-handedly trounced into oblivion their heroes of the USSR.

The 60s era Shaggy Carpet Socialists Carpet Bagging ignorance and stupidity seem to agree with their favorite socialists as well.

It all boils down to this. Should another Reagan Era Conservative come up to the plate in 2008, the Leftinistra are finished in this country for yet another 30 years. This is what they fear the most. I have been watching this fear unfold for the last 6 years. This is a distraction technique, aimed at the ignorant, knowing that their audience is a captured audience in that their audience doesn't know any better.

The Leftinistra MUST paint the picture that a Reagan Proponent is a racist therefore, vote the Party of Socialism, the Democratic Party.

The Lean Left crowd has obviously been partakers of the Socialist Elites (Progressives) and cannot be trusted to pee in the toilet let alone conduct a rational train of thought.

The Rabid Socialist Hounds Barking and Woofing up the wrong tree, as usual, most assuredly are against states rights...socialists cannot accept that credo.

Lawyers, Guns (OH MY) and Money...well, they are just dumber than a box of used turtle turds.

Catch the wave.

No, Ronald Wilson Reagan did not have a racist bone in his body, unlike the leaders of the Leftinistra Democrats. If you want a history of racism, look deep into the ins and outs of the Democratic Party from before the American Civil War right up to today.

ATTENTION TO ORDERS: pay no attention to the pathetic and frantic antics of the Losers of The Left. They know beyond a shadow of a doubt that they have lost their death grip on this country and they will resort to lies and deceit to achieve ultimate and supreme power...power is all that matters to them, "We The People" be damned.

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