Friday, November 23, 2007

Stupidity At The KOSmonoffs Cannot Go Unanswered


Mission Accomplished. Here we go with this totally and completely retarded and stupid rhetoric...again.

The moonbats at the Daily Stupid place are pretty much the singularly most retarded of them all. No wonder their numbers are dwindling. Here is an example of this pathetic moonbat-bot's stupidity:
Baghdad today, day 1675 since mission accomplished was declared in Iraq: [...]
The rest of the piece is equally inane. Let us remind everyone what the statement of "Mission Accomplished" was directed towards at the time it was uttered. This particular idiot moonbat would be well advised to actually read the text of the "Mission Accomplished" speech BEFORE it repeats the ignorant stupidity of ITS handlers. Only a fool, after reading the text, doesn't know what the message was/is.

Where in this speech does the president say the war is over?
Where? The Leftinistra. Morons that cannot read, hear, understand, comprehend. So much for their holier than thou crap.

To the idiot troll jerk at the Daily KOSmonff, mcjoan...can you not read or think for yourself?

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