Monday, November 5, 2007

There Are Moosetwits And Then, There Are Idiots


We will start with with the Idiots at Sadly, No!. These folks over there are just plane dumber then a box of turtle turds. Not only are they ignorant in the ways, tenets and teachings of Islam, they prove that fact by being, well, idiots. Take a look. Bring your laugh bag.

Now, for the Moosetwits. Nora Ephron at the Hang Out For The Mentally Unstable is whining about how hard it is to be a democrat. Gee, Nora. It really isn't that hard at all. All you have to be is an idiot and swallow the crap from your leadership lock-step and conundrum.
There's no alternative, of course, but it's hard. Someone asked me the other day to write something about why I was a Democrat, and I had no trouble making a list of 10 reasons. [...]
Wow! I actually agree with the poor misinformed and uneducated in reality. To be a modern day Democrat, one must be willing to never ever check their own resources for substantiation(s) to the conclusions the democratic party leadership develops and proclaims. They also have to disengage their cranial cavities from the obvious and insert inert gases, like, Argon or Halon. either gas will destroy any and all oxygen required for the brain to functionally operate.
[...] But it's hard. It's especially hard to remember that the real enemies are the Republicans, when the Democrats tend to break your heart and the Republicans are just the boys you'd never go out with anyway. [...]
Everybody now! AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW! Poor thing. Notice to Nora...The Democrats break your heart because you and your Hate America First crowds were lied to for the sole purpose of political power. How does it feel? Idiots.

This next one explains a lot!
[...] It's hard when you watch a debate and decide that in the end you're probably going to throw your vote away in the primary and vote for someone who doesn't have a chance, like Dennis Kucinich. I mean, look at them, look at the front runners: Hillary Clinton, who can't help being Hillary Clinton; Barack Obama, who was a disappointment from the beginning and whose new-found attack mode is as dispiriting as his low energy level used to be; John Edwards, whom I am afraid I will never be able to think of again (after this week's Peggy Noonan column in the Wall Street Journal) as anything but a desperate furry little woodland animal. [...]
And there you have it, folks. Not one Democratic Party Presidential Aspirant meets the requirements of The Moonbat Fruit Loop Anti-American criteria and they are all depressed.

Good. Now all we have to do is find a Reagan Era Conservative and we can heal this land.

And, by the way, what were those ten reasons? These people can never ever offer up the Real Deal. Simply amazing.

Catch the wave.
Also see Jamie Wearing Fool
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