Friday, November 30, 2007

War on Terror Update...This Is What We Have Been Expecting...


Rasmussen Reports...perhaps this is what has Murtha all atwitter? Confidence in War on Terror Near Highest Level of Bush's Second Term
Confidence in the War on Terror increased for the fourth straight month in November and is now near the highest level of President Bush's second term in office.

The latest Rasmussen Reports tracking poll finds that 47% of Americans now say the U.S. and its allies are winning the War on Terror (see crosstabs). That's up from 43% a month ago and reflects is the highest level of confidence measured since December 2005. Over the past 35 months, confidence in the War on Terror has been higher than today only twice, in November and December 2005. [...] Read the rest...
Haven't we been telling folks for a LONG time that this is what the Surge would do? The American People want to win and so do our men and women in uniform. There can be no denying that. At least for an honest person.

This is The Change in Direction the vast majority wanted and have now received.

Catch the wave at memeorandum...

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