Saturday, November 17, 2007

Where The Netroots Have Everything All Wrong


I wasn't going to give the KOSmonoffs the time of day over the socialist KOS going over the the Leftist Rag Newsweek until I read this piece. Let the Leftist spin begin...

We already know that the latest pathetic maneuver of blustering is to give the hallucination that ReidCo has a spine. He does but it is made of jello. This equally pathetic piece by a known Leftinistra outlet is grasping at straws...

Talk Left:

Newsweek's newest political contributor, Markos of Daily Kos, has his first column up about the war funding bills and how Democrats so far have failed to keep their promise.

It's the second most widely read article on Newsweek's site. Go on over and read it. Besides being really good, it'd be great to push him to Number One. A snippet:

If Reid and Pelosi stand firm they will finally fulfill one of their key 2006 campaign promises, proving they have the courage to stand tough for what they believe, while giving the vast majority of the American people what they want.

If they yield they will reinforce perceptions of Democratic weakness. Worse, they will be siding with an unpopular president and an unpopular Republican Party over an unpopular war, and their own popularity will suffer as a result.

The options to those of us outside of the Beltway are so obvious it's truly unfathomable that we are still left wondering which path the Democrats will take.

Congress is now on a two week break. The Senate returns December 3 and the House on December 4.

Really good? OMG! Sad, actually that seemingly intelligent types could be so easily swayed by ignorance and stupidity.

First of all, as I have previously stated on many a post and comment, if anyone EVER says that there is Ever a popular war, I will show you a complete fool.

Secondly, the "vast majority of American people" these idiots always refer to are non-existent. Not once have these poor Children of The Corn ever presented any substantiation for that piece of ignorant rhetoric. The obvious escapes the oblivious. If the VAST majority of Americans believed as these GOMERS did, the ReidCo Clan would not be having the problems they are having. Period. Dot. Com.

Thirdly, the "perceptions of Democratic weakness" is not a perception at all. It is a fact...a grim reality these sad sots cannot accept.

Fourthly, the Democrats "failed to keep their promises" because they lied and they are lying now and these idiots keep falling for their lies. Let me explain something to these poor deluded wonders. It can all be seen in an earlier posting today, right here at A Newt One.

The funding for the War In Iraq has already been previously funded PRIOR to the recent "monkeys humping a football" quagmire called debate in the House and Senate. All this dog and pony show was to give the illusion that ReidCo had a spine. He doesn't. He is a milquetoast, a fraud and a phony patriot. He is a liar. He has a sniveling pie hole and it needs to be stuffed with concrete.

Fifthly, if the Leftinistra allow this latest tom foolery to go on, approximately 100,000 folks are going to have a pretty pathetic Christmas, most of which are union voters. Well done.

Sixthly, the path the Democrats will take is the primrose path to that Abyss of Obscurity that the Conservative Tsunami is going to sweep them into.

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