Thursday, December 20, 2007

Bin Laden's driver is not POW, US judge says


I can hear the moonbats wailing and gnashing their teeth that a non-US citizen will not get the United States Constitution protections under Due Process. Sorry. Too bad. Screw the cretin and murderous Jihadi scumbag. Perhaps the Judiciary has heard us loud and clear? One can only hope and pray so. From al-Reuters:
Osama bin Laden's driver is not a prisoner of war as defined by the Geneva Conventions and can be tried by a Guantanamo war crimes tribunal, a U.S. military judge ruled in a decision made public on Thursday. [...]
Poor Jihadi Troll Scum. The poor thing never has nor will IT ever be afforded the protections under our Constitution nor the protections afforded by the Geneva Convention. Neither applies.




Too bad and so sad.


More "press" coverage:
another from al-Reuters
CBS "breaking news" (nothing like being BEHIND!)
Yahoo! News

Bloggers: (finally)

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