Monday, December 31, 2007

Democratic Voters' Fervor Stirs Republican Worries


WSJ: Democratic Voters' Fervor Stirs Republican Worries
As presidential hopefuls from both parties rally support across Iowa ahead of Thursday's caucuses, Democratic voters are showing greater fervor for the race than their Republican counterparts, a difference that could have repercussions throughout the 2008 campaign.

At its simplest, there is a political energy gap. Democrats appear to be more fired up about their party nominating contest than are Republicans. Democrats in Iowa and New Hampshire have been turning out at rallies in greater numbers than Republicans and giving more money to candidates. In Iowa, polls indicate Democrats will be attending the Thursday night caucuses in record numbers.

"There seems to be a little more juice on the Democratic side," says Republican pollster Bill McInturff. [...]
There is a real simple answer to that. I know I am merely a lowly blogger...a citizen journalist and all but, I have been around the pike a bit and this ain't my first rodeo, either. If the Republic front-runners aspiring to the office of the Presidency are nervous, it is because we don't like them. Many have said that Fred has stated that he "doesn't want to run for President". That gives the impression that the others do. Half of that premise is true.

The statement was, once again, taken out of context, plain and simple. At The Campaign Spot, the ENTIRE exchange is readily available and Fred, with Snooper paraphrasing, said it like this: (remember, this is my take)
"I don't want to run for President just to run for President and say that I am the President when I get elected. I want the job because I can be better at it than a guy that wants to run for President for the sake of power and the accolades, glory and stature. I don't have a legacy to make nor do I worry about my reputation. This country is in trouble and I am the best man for the job."
Click the link and give TCS the traffic and read the whole exchange.

Thanks for sharing.

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