Monday, December 17, 2007

Iraq - the best story of the year


Going to MNF-Iraq and clicking a link takes you here.

Naturally, the moonbats will screech.

Screw 'em. They are, after all, insignificant.
[...] Yet none of this should detract from what has been achieved in Iraq so unexpectedly this year. First, the country will now have the time to establish itself. A year ago it seemed as if American forces would have been withdrawn in ignominious fashion either well before the end of the Bush Administration or, at best, days after the next president came to office. This will not now happen. The self-evident success of the surge has obliged the Democrats to start talking about almost anything else and the calls to cut and run have abated. If the US Army remains in Iraq in strength, continuing on its present path, then deals on a constitution and the division of oil revenues between provinces will be realised. [...] Read the rest
Catch it at memeorandum...even though they are a wee bit behind.

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