Monday, December 31, 2007

Iraqi's Celebrate First Safe New Year in Decades


This is bad news folks. What are we going to do now?
2008 arrived in a less-violent Baghdad, and residents said it was the first real party they had seen in years.

At the stroke of midnight, exuberant locals fired into the air with automatic rifles, sending red tracer fire streaking over the city, as fireworks lit up the sky.

While the city is still far from peaceful and many of the festive gatherings had a tentative feel, many said it was a happier occasion than they could have dared to hope just a few months ago. [...]
Poor Iraqis. They have to celebrate in relative peace. Such a shame. This may be due in part to this news and that damn General Petraeus ought to be ashamed of himself for implementing a successful campaign proving the Leftinistra wrong.

Violent civilian deaths in Iraq in December were down 75 percent from a year ago, new figures released on Monday showed as Iraqis partied in the streets of some parts of the capital Baghdad to bring in the New Year.

A year ago, the scenes of unrestrained revelry would have been unthinkable in a country racked by savage sectarian violence that by the most conservative estimates has killed tens of thousands of people and displaced some 4 million.

According to figures compiled by the interior, health and defense ministries, 481 civilians died violently in Iraq in December, a 75 percent drop from the 1,930 who were killed in December 2006, when the country was on the brink of civil war. [...]

Damn the luck! All this Good News coming out of Iraq has out media in a tizzy and is so maddening to the anti-Americanists!!

I wonder how ReidCo and PelosiCo are taking this news.

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