Sunday, December 2, 2007

King Chavez? Like King Saddam? UPDATED



Who would have thought this? Al Jazeera?
Hugo Chavez, the Venezuelan president, is heading for victory in a referendum on allowing him to remain in power as long as he keeps winning elections... [...]
Think about that one.

On another note, apparently the theoretical CIA "plot" didn't materialize as the moonbats worried so much over. They couldn't have their fellow socialist scum upset, now, could they?

So, does this mean we will get cheap oil from King Hugo now?

Catch the wave at memeorandum...


See Wake Up America and Gateway Pundit:

It is getting messy: HT to Gateway...

Hugo's Idiots are no doubt celebrating.

Harry Belafonte propping up Hugo Chavez, Jesse Jackson flying in to prop up Hugo Chavez, Jimmy Carter giving Hugo Chavez a needed election win, Cindy Sheehan and Hugo Chavez in a socialist lip-lock.

It seems as though Al-Rooters was jumping the gun and Al-Jazeera is too eager to have a Chavez win. Stay tuned.

more waves at memeorandum to catch...

For the Victory of NO, see here, ANO Updates...

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