Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Lame Stream Media: Exposed For What We Know They Are


Lame Stream Media: Incompetent. Plain and simple. We have 76 pieces/articles that have mapped out the once Main Stream Media and now, thanks to the New Main Stream Media, the Old Media must bow to the New

We have the pulse of America and the Old Media has the pulse of those that would reign in the New United Socialist States of the North American Continent. And, the whiners whine.

Recently, beginning with Gateway Pundit, (a family reported as "dead" has been discovered to be very much alive and well), the New Media has shown that the Old Media cannot tell a story with a straight face. The Old Media has forgotten or has shed the Rules of Journalism.

Bogus/Phony stories:

Hot Air
The Weekly Standard
Flopping Aces
Doug Ross
Gateway Pundit
Gateway Pundit
Right Voices
Op For
Add one more phony story
Confederate Yankee
News Busters

Caliphate News Network
Fox News
The Infamous TNR

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