Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Libtards and Complete Stupidity


I can hardly wait to one day have Open Season on idiots like this: BarbinMD over at the Daily Retarded KOSmonoff anti-Americanist blog for the mentally deficient has a driveling, smelly ignorant rant entitled, "The Democrats Who Support George Bush's War". The entire piece is an effort of desperation meant to evoke fellow emotionally weak and similar minded idiots. The very premise of "Bush's War" is as disingenuous as disingenuous can get. Moron.

This is America's War. These cretins that yammer on about this being one person's war are in dire need of mental therapy...BDS runs deep. The comments section proves my point...more emotionally unbalanced anti-Americanists oozing from the cracks and crevices of despair. Jerks Gone Wild would be a good show for these idiots. And to think that my fellow Warriors and myself fight to keep morons like this free enough so they can be as ignorant, stupid and retarded as they feel like being. I would like them to be transported to Iran and have them act like this and say what they are saying here over there. Morons.

This poor harbinger of Doom and Gloom, this emotional worm, BarbinMD, needs to climb back into its dark closet and never come out again. Idiot.

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