Saturday, December 22, 2007

Please Send Condolences Greetings to Reid and Pelosi


This must really shake those two up for sure. Another one of their heroes has been killed by those American Troop War Criminals. I wonder if it was due to ethnic cleansing?

From al-Reuters:
DUBAI (Reuters) - An al Qaeda-linked group in Iraq has confirmed the death of Abu Maysara, a top operative who the U.S. military said was killed in a clash last month, according to a recording posted on the Web on Saturday.

Abu Omar al-Baghdadi, leader of the Islamic State in Iraq, hailed Maysara as "a martyr who was a scholar and a mujahid (holy war fighter)", on the audio tape posted on Islamist Web sites.

The U.S. military said earlier in December that Maysara, a Syrian, was among nine senior al Qaeda members killed in November. It described him as an adviser to Baghdadi, also known as Abu Ayyub al-Masri, and his slain predecessor Abu Musab al-Zarqawi. [...]
Wasn't Baghdadi shown to be a fictional character made up by the media? I may be thinking of someone else. No matter.

Just send sadness cards to the idgits on the left.

I hope the murderous thug is enjoying ITS 72 virgin gay Rotweillers.

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