Saturday, December 22, 2007

Radamisto: A Moonbat Loser Yammers


Simply amazing. This poor thing is STILL yammering the lies of the Leftinistra and the partakers of the BDS juice. I don't know how many times we have trounced this slog and it STILL repeats the proven to be false rhetoric of the Losers of the Left.

Thanks! Its kind is only making it easier for us in '08. Remember...GWB 45 - Libs 0. Amazing.

Behold: (the title to the piece is really funny) OFTEN WRONG, NEVER IN DOUBT
That pretty much describes conservatives in America. They have been on the wrong side of so many issues, morally and factually, that I'm amazed the GOP isn't down to 15% in the polls. We can start with the Bush tax cuts, of which Nutbag Kudlow predicted all sorts of great things for the economy. At about the same time, the Bush regime ignored all the warnings about an impending terrorist attack. Subsequently, the Bush regime failed to follow through after overthrowing the Taliban. Worst of all, the invasion of Iraq under false pretences. In Bush's second term, the lies about Social Security and Terri Schiavo immediately come to mind and we still have over a year left.
ROFLMAO!!! This little one hasn't lived long enough to know how much of a fool IT is. I wonder if Miss Beth can square this GOMER off.

Evidently, the Iraq War Resolution means nothing to the worm.

There is a reason the DNC has tanked in the polls and the GOP hasn't, Skippy. Figure it out and lay off the 'shrooms, man!


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