Thursday, December 27, 2007

The Worse CONgress In American History Is To Tout Their Achievements


If I were the current SoH, touting the achievements of the 110th Congress would be no where near or even close by to the Things To Do List. It is said that Nancy Pelosi is going to start 2008 with the achievements made by the "majority" controlling(?) both Houses. "IS" that insane or what?

They are going to be boasting about their approval ratings LOWER than when the CONgress was GOP controlled and their disapprovals HIGHER than when the GOP was the "majority"?

Please, Nancy. Don't go there. You will only confirm what the world already knows...y'all suck.

Break a leg...we are ready for you.
[...]In a year-end "fact sheet," her office proclaimed that "the Democratic-led House is listening to the American people and providing the New Direction the people voted for in November. The House has passed a wide range of measures to make America safer, restore the American dream and restore accountability. We are proud of the progress made this session and recognize that more needs to be done." [...]
When I read this just a few moments ago, all I could do was sigh. She can't possibly be serious. Not with The New Media knowing what we know and the power we wield.

Uh, Nancy? Y'all failed dismally in a war y'all started and y'all lied to get into power. We know it. You know it. STFU and STFD.

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