Friday, December 21, 2007



Failure of democrats to accomplish anything and Bush’s rather amazing victory anger kook fringe leftwingers

Jimmy Z - 0 for 45.

That’s how ABC’s World News Tonight characterized the ineffective and unproductive democrat led Congress as they failed to beat a lame duck, supposedly dismal-polling President.

Sure, ABC News was probably thrashing the liberals in Congress out of deep frustration with their elected leftist cohorts. But whatever the motivation, it was wonderful indeed to see the national drive by media finally acknowledge it: In 2008, Bush is the clear victor.

In spite of his lame duck status (going in, after the democrats won both houses of Congress, it appeared this would be the lamest of ducks!), and in spite of polling numbers that fell lower and lower and lower, Pelosi and Reid were both abject failures in their respective houses. That’s not me saying it; that’s ABC News.

[Sidebar: defines ‘abject’ in this fashion, and it’s a very accurate description indeed of the Pelosi/Reid democrat leadership: “utterly hopeless, miserable, humiliated, or wretched, contemptible, despicable, base-spirited, shamelessly servile.”]

Forty five times they tried to force American failure in Iraq and Bush’s embarrassment, and forty five times they failed.

I could not be more delighted with their failure. Their failure was far more important for American than Bush’s victory. Don’t be deceived, liberal moonbats: Bush did beat you, and he did it in the most unlikely fashion.

He did it without any real likelihood that he could.

So, I offer this to the liberals in every humble way possible: *LMFAOIYF!*

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