Friday, January 11, 2008

40K Pounds Update: Mincemeat South of The Big B [UPDATED]


As we brought to our readers' attention yesterday here and here, today, we bring you an update from Pat Dollard. Reporting yesterday, Pat let the world know pretty much before MNF-Iraq did, that the AQ scum bags were getting to see their 72 gay virgin Rotweillers earlier than expected.
[...] The day before, two B1-B bombers and four F-16 fighter jets dropped 48 precision-guided bombs on 47 targets, U.S. Air Force Col. Peter Donnelly, commander of the 18th Expeditionary Air Support Operations Group, told reporters in Baghdad. [...]

[...] "We're moving into areas where coalition forces have not been in months or years in some cases," Ferrell told reporters via a video link, adding that insurgents "had established a deliberate defensive belt to deny our movement in the area." [...]

[...] Despite the massive size of the airstrikes, Donnelly said that to the military's knowledge, no civilians were killed. That could not immediately be independently confirmed. He added that the targeting of three targets was called off because unmanned surveillance planes showed civilians in those areas. [...]
And there ya have it. The largest air strike in Iraq since the onset in 2003. We had to weed them out and get them where we wanted them...oops.

Shock and Awe Returns
Operation Phantom Phoenix
Executing Aggressively, Pursuing Tenaciously

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