Wednesday, January 16, 2008

BREAKING: Former US Congressman and UN Puke Charged With Terrorist Activities


And the Lame Stream Media and the anti-Americanists wonder why we watch these friggin' morons like we do. Our "friends" in Canada need to get their heads up out of their hinder holes and get some fresh air...this crap is real and it is happening all over the damn world.

Global Jihad...Global Cultural Jihad...Global Caliphate...Global Sha'ria Law...Hello?

HT Breitbart: Jan 16 02:42 PM US/Eastern Ex-Lawmaker Charged in Terror Conspiracy

Via Jawa:
The former Republican congressman from Michigan, Mark Deli Siljander, was charged with money laundering, conspiracy and obstructing justice for allegedly lying about lobbying senators on behalf of an Islamic charity that authorities said was secretly sending funds to terrorists. [...]
Ain't that swell? Jawa's take below:
[...] It's important to note, though, that Siljander is alleged to have committed fraud, not that he knowingly helped support al Qaeda. Instead, the indictment alleges that Siljander helped launder money tagged for USAID operations in Africa to his own wallet and that he obstructed justice by lying to the Grand Jury looking into IARA's terror financing activities.

Siljander was hired by IARA to lobby for their removal from the specially designated terrorist list. It doesn't look like he was directly involved--or even indirectly--with terror financing. Instead, it looks like he's a crooked lobbyist.

But a crooked lobbyist willing to sell his services to terror supporters.

Get a rope!

Developing..... [...]

Must be from Texas...Git A Rope is out favorite thing to do...

USAID...the outfit that Medea Benjamin has "dealings" with? Interesting, eh?

Check out Jawa and a host of others following this story...

Memeorandum is buzzing...

Jihad Watch has a pic of the traitor and some interesting data...

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