Wednesday, January 16, 2008

The Flatulating KOSmonoffs Trick Didn't Work?


It seems as though the "influences" of the Leftinistra moonbats ain't quite as far reaching as they hallucinate they are, eh?
Despite urging from some activists like Daily Kos' Markos Moulitsas that Michigan Democrats vote for Mitt Romney over John McCain, CNN exit polling indicates the Arizona Republican won the liberal vote.

McCain captured 41 percent of Democrats who voted in the Republican primary, 10 points more than Romney. Mike Huckabee meanwhile, only captured 14 percent of Democrats.

Though the Democratic primary race was rendered essentially meaningless after party sanctions, few Democrats decided to vote in the Republican primary - according to the exit polling, Democrats only constituted 7 percent of the vote in that contest. [...] read the rest
Simply amazing! Hey, uh, KOS? Bite me!


Patrick Ruffini
Power Line

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