Sunday, January 6, 2008

Herein Lies The Problem With Pakistani Intelligence


The moronic anti-Americanists constantly yammer on and on and on about AQ in Pakistan. We have KNOWN about AQ in Pakistan for almost forever. Pakistan has KNOWN AQ is in Pakistan and has done pretty much nothing about it. Now that AQ has pretty much given up the fight for Iraq, they have relocated in force to Pakistan and are feverishly trying to destabilize an already unstable situation.

We know it. Pakistan knows it. Al Qaeda knows it. So, what does Pakistan say about it? Behold:
Pakistan Will Deny U.S. Operations to Hunt Al Qaeda on its Soil
Is that retarded or what? Morons.
ISLAMABAD, Pakistan -- Pakistan reiterated Sunday that it will not let American forces hunt Al Qaeda and Taliban militants on its soil, after a news report said Washington was considering expanding U.S. military and intelligence operations into Pakistan's tribal regions.

Be sure to read Pat Dollard...Jules Crittenden...lawhawk...Scott Ott...Huff and Puff...

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