Friday, January 11, 2008

Move America Forward Trounces Anti-Americanist City Council


The air molecules in Caliphornia must be infected with moonbat spody...

News from MAF: (go there!!)

Move America Forward Speaks to Sacramento Board of Supervisors

Videos here and here...

When we heard that the Sacramento County Board of Supervisors would be taking up the issue of the war in Iraq as part of their regular business, with a proposed resolution calling for a timetable for phased-in defeat, we simply had to do something despite the late notice.

News that the board would be taking a look at the resolution first broke last week, causing a small firestorm of controversy here in sleepy old Sacramento, where Move America Forward bases it's headquarters.

As a recently arrived resident of this town I have grown to like Sacramento, in a very short time, so I was interested to come to a meeting of its County Board of Supervisors to see how local government works. It was unfortunate that my first visit would be to witness the County Board take up an issue that clearly is beyond it's operational jurisdiction.

This was the same opinion voiced by dozens of other people from the community, who stood with Move America Forward in opposition to the resolution at the board meeting.

While the Board moved to drop the resolution, a motion enacted by Supervisor Peters - bravo! - Which was the right thing to do, the Board also took the time to let the members of the community who came to speak about the issue, from both sides, give their opinions. [...] read the rest...

In other MAF news: the MAF Team describes their trip to Iraq after Operation Joy To The Troops...Surge plus Iraqi Love for America equals Success
[...] After a two-week stint visiting our troops in Iraq, Move America Forward staffers have returned with news and photographs that can be summed up in four words: American troops are winning.

The MAF delegation traveled well outside the Green Zone, to areas that once were the violence-plagued confines of the insurgency and jihadist terrorist groups.

"Our troops are making a difference now," said Mary Pearson, MAF deputy executive director and professional photographer, whose photos will appear in the Sacramento Union and here. [...] Read the rest

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