Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Muhammad, A Symbol Of Terrorism

In the process of updating Crusader's Armory, I discovered a significant oversight: my failure to include an important petition in the list. It is #5 in the updated list. Syed's petition is not easy on the eyes due to its lack of formatting, but it includes citations to the same ayat & ahadith I quote and more plus numerous quotes from Ishak & Tabari. It does not leave much to the imagination.

If there is someone you want to introduce to the fatal facts of Islam without boring them to death, introduce them to this petition: Muhammad, A Symbol Of Terrorism. Signing is quick, easy and free. It lets others know that they are not alone, that there is a growing number of people who recognize the existential threat posed by Islam and want to do something about it.

The Congress Debate Koran petition, with its html formatting, is easier to read and the quotes are linked for easy verification and contextual exploration. It now has 1073 signatures. Accruing those signatures has taken three years.

When the Muslims petition for censorship, they accrue hundreds of thousands of signatures very quickly because they are dedicated, persistent and organized. If we don't soon match their dedication, persistence and organization, we will suffer an ignominious defeat. For Chrissake, don't let that happen!!

Please copy this list of petition links and email it to all your contacts. Urge the recipients it pass it on. If we don't spread the word, nobody will.
  1. Quit the U.N. Get the U.S.A. out of the U.N. and vice versa!!!
  2. Outlaw Islam! Amend the U. S. Constitution to exclude Islam from the definition of religion. Copy the blog post with the petition text, signature link, and links to the evidence presented. Paste it into an email and broadcast it widely!!
  3. Ban Islam , written & posted by a Canadian Crusader, this petition asks the World Court to ban Islam. In two weeks, this petition has garnered 108 signatures, many from Europeans. Please sign this petition, copy it, paste it into an email & send it to everyone in your address book. Ask the recipients to pass it on.
  4. Ban Islam (from Canada) Our companion from the north has a great petition to P.M. Harper!
  5. Muhammad, A Symbol Of Terrorism Please forgive me for forgetting to post this when I discovered it. Syed Jamaluddin obviously put a great deal of time and effort into creating this excellent petition which lays out the critical evidence against Moe's damnable murder cult. It should have 80 million signatures, not just 80!!! In adition to the ayat & ahadith I use, Syed quotes Ishak & Tabari, laying bare the evil which is the core of Islam.

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