Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Rudy and Edwards Throw In The Towel


Rudy and Edwards dropped out last night and Rudy threw in with McCain, two peas in a pod in my estimation. I do believe that Edwards will throw in with Obama. The alternative would be "Rather" distasteful I am sure.

Susan Duclos has a good analogy here at Wake Up Americans.
[...] The people who have dropped out recently, Fred Thompson, Dennis Kucinich, Giuliani, last night and now John Edwards, have all done so because they realized that the time had come, they understood that for whatever reasons, their campaigns were not catching fire and no matter the support you get online, or the money collected, sometimes it just does not translate into the votes needed to win the nomination for your party.

It is called realism and it is time Ron Paul, who took only 3 percent in last nights Florida primary, to face reality and do the same.... drop out with some dignity instead of being forced out. Of course he has no plans to do so, but some can face reality and some cannot I guess.

The field is set, the top tiered candidates are, for the GOP, McCain, Romney and Huckabee and for the Democrats, Clinton and Obama.

Super Tuesday, my birthday, will be a hell of a ride.... [...]
Happy Birthday Susan!

I, Snooper, have not yet thrown in with any candidate yet but I will so aver that it won't be either Hillary or Obama whether by direct vote or the cowardly "stay at home and not vote vote".

As we at ANO have so stated repeatedly, this is going to be a bumpy ride.

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