Wednesday, January 2, 2008



Maybe someone should hire us at A Newt One. It seems like the "MSM" (chuckle-chuckle snort-snort) is always behind us. We have been saying this for nearly forever.
AS 2007 drew to a close, embarrassed journalists sought to play down American military successes and avoided questioning Democratic presidential contenders about their predictions of inevitable failure in Iraq.

Magically, Iraq disappeared from the headlines - except on those rare occasions when a problem could be reported. At the close of a year of stunning progress, media stories on New Year's Eve leapt to report that 2007 had been the deadliest year for US troops. (read the rest)

Yes, OBL has admitted defeat and then he changed his mind. Yeas, Murtha said we lost and then he changed his mind. Yes, Reid said we were defeated and then changed his mind.

Dumbass Leftinistra...laughing stock of the Universe.

And, yes, casualties were high for 2007 and the Leftinistra signed off on the Ultimate Plan before they condemned the man as being incompetent. Go figure. The Troops knew it as well before they went in. Give them some credit and give honor and respect where it is due.

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