Wednesday, January 2, 2008

This Isn't Good News For Obama


Kucinich is obviously bowing out seeing that he hasn't a his pal Ron Paul.
Representative Dennis Kucinich urged his Iowa followers today to select Senator Barack Obama as their second choice at the caucuses on Thursday if his support is not strong enough to be viable in the 1,781 precincts across the state.

"Senator Obama and I have one thing in common: Change", Mr. Kucinich said in a statement today. (Read the rest)
And we all know what that change is, don't we? Islamic Socialism. I know they don't advocate that but it is due to their ignorance of the Jihadi Threat that they inadvertently, due to BDS, support it in the long haul.

RCP has some squigglies to look at here.

In other news:
Breaking: Kucinich urges supporters to make Obama second choice

Rep. Dennis Kucinich, an antiwar Democratic presidential candidate, just announced he is urging his supporters to make Sen. Barack Obama their second choice during Thursday's Iowa caucus.

This will give Obama a boost in some precincts because the caucus rules (explained in my story in today's paper) require candidates to meet a 15 percent or higher viability threshold. If they don't, the supporters for that candidate must reorganize to join another candidate.

Kucinich, who failed to reach the viability threshold in 2004, let his supporters go to then-Sen. John Edwards. As Obama and Edwards battle with Sen. Hillary Clinton for the top spot in Iowa, the antiwar vote could help Obama Thursday night.

"This is obviously an 'Iowa-only' recommendation, as Sen. Obama and I are competing in the New Hampshire primary next Tuesday where I want to be the first choice of New Hampshire voters," Kucinich said in a statement. (read the rest)
Please note that the term "antiwar democrat" is actually meant to be anti-military anti-Americanist. Read that as socialist. The profile is all too telling.

If I was Obama, I wouldn't want a socialist UFO spotter and MacClaine occultist supporter supporting me. Kucinich threw in with Edwards in 2004 and how did that end up?

Catch the more here...

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