Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Vets For Freedom: EAGLES UP!


I received the following via email:

Vets for Freedom members,

2008 promises to be another busy year for Vets for Freedom. We are already working hard on a laundry list of events, and you should be on the lookout for exciting announcements in the coming weeks. We plan to ensure that the incredible progress our brave troops achieved in 2007 is continued and acknowledged.

While Congress returns to business and the Presidential race heats up, Vets for Freedom continues to actively advocate on behalf of the brave men and women who are defying the critics and winning the fight in Iraq. This Monday alone, Vets for Freedom member and Marine infantry officer Erik Swabb wrote an excellent article in the Wall Street Journal entitled "The Lessons of Iraq" and I wrote an op-ed in the National Review Online entitled "Death Blow to Defeatists" that outlines the recent political progress in Iraq. I also had the opportunity to appear on The O'Reilly Factor once again to take on To view the clip, please visit our website.

On another note, Vets for Freedom is proud to welcome Founder and Medal of Honor nominee David Bellavia as the Editor-In-Chief of our Troop Blog. David Bellavia is also the author of House to House: An Epic Memoir of War, an unforgettable story of triumph, adversity, and the unending courage of a U.S. infantryman and his squad in Iraq. David-along with many other excellent writers-will be blogging daily.

Lastly, be sure to visit our new website to get the latest news articles and updates on issues important to Vets for Freedom members. I look forward to working with each of you this year as we continue to support our brave troops in Iraq and Afghanistan-and our veterans here at home.

Move Out and Draw Fire!

Pete Hegseth
Executive Director
Vets for Freedom

Fellow veterans and Active Duty...if you sit on your collective asses and whine without taking action, you deserve everything that comes your way.




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