Friday, August 8, 2008

Alfred E Obama '08


OK. Someone stole my idea. Well, at least took it one step closer. ROFLMAO!! on 28 JUL 08, I wrote this piece entitled, Such A Wonderful Week Ahead.
[...] Don Surber whom I totally enjoy reading is doing some Fact Finding Missions of his own, Doug Ross is compiling The List of Czarbama gaffes and flip flops - good luck keeping up with that one, Doug - dip dunk and Chief UFO Czar himself Alfred E Neuman, I mean Dennis Kucinich, is still going after that impeachment thing and was told that he was a nut case ("the tone of these deliberations is slightly demented" so said Rabkin) and John Bolton saying that Obama was from a different planet really threw me for a loop. I don't get it. [...]
OK. SO I was referring to Dennis Kucinich. It's still funny, though, isn't it? Enjoy the picture.

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