Sunday, August 24, 2008

Another Libtard With Ostrich Syndrome


War sucks and that is the bottom line. What sucks just as bad is when the enemy hides like members of the DNC behind something or someone else and then proceeds to tell others that is wasn't their fault and that the other guy should have known better.

This particular libtard moonbat troll says that the Taliban is resurgent because of idiots like the libtards across the globe that aid and abet the enemy, plain and simple.

It is a well-known fact that the terrorists are cowards - just like our American Liberals - and in order to survive they will take over a village or an event and fire upon coalition forces giving the impression that the whole area are terrorists. Sucks to be them but that is the way it is.

I wonder when the libtards are going to grasp that concept and actually whine about the real conditions and condemn the enemy instead of their own countrymen in battle. Oh. Wait. The terrorists ARE their own countrymen. I forgot.

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