Thursday, August 7, 2008

BREAKING NEWS: Man Arrested for Threatening Czarbama


JUST in from FOX News...a 22-year old MORON threatens to assassinate Czarbama. The jerk needs to be thrown UNDER the jail and throw the key away.

More to follow.

AS Promised: UPDATE

LGF: (Czarbama didn't even rate an MSN piece?) CNN Blog: (Did I mention we scooped EVERYONE on this?)
An affidavit filed by a Secret Service agent in U.S. District Court claims that Raymond Hunter Geisel, of Marathon, Florida, threatened to "kill, kidnap and cause bodily harm upon a major candidate for president of the United States, that is, Senator Barack Obama."

A search of Geisel's vehicle and a hotel room in Miami, where Geisel was attending a bail bondsman training class, found a 9-mm handgun, ammunition that included armor-piercing and rifle bullets, police-style emergency lights, body armor, a machete and two canisters of tear gas, among other military-style items, according to the document.

Agents say that classmates of Geisel reported that, between July 25-28, Geisel used a racial slur toward Obama and said "if he gets elected, I'll assassinate him myself."

A classmate said that, one day after class, she also heard Geisel say "that he hated George W. Bush and that he wanted to put a bullet in the president’s head."
Amazing. This guy needs to be locked up forever.

Others: Politico - Lawhawk - WUA - JWF -

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