Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Cantor: Rising Star


Ladies and gentlemen, Leftinistra not included, there are many a speculation as to whom McCain is going to pick as his VP choice. On the right-hand sidebar of our blog, there is a place where folks can do their own speculation and Cantor isn't on that list. Cantor emerged from the shadows and has pretty much side-swiped the opposition...the Maverick strikes again.

Through the years I have garnered much experience in both casual and intensive observation of the political arena in the USA. One of the most interesting things I have learned is being able to read the press - no pun intended - and I have learned to smell fear hidden within the verbiage.

For instance, some are all atwitter - again, no pun intended seeing that I am now all hooked up with the Twittermania of #dontgo, #dontgomovement and #yeswecantor - about this young lad Eric Cantor. What is interesting in the Lame Stream Media is the CONSTANT reference to his age because he is 2 years younger than Czarbama and there are some that say that Czarbama is inexperienced. Well, as far as I am concerned, it isn't "age" per se that grants folks "experience". I am 53 years old and have watched every space launch of NASA since I was a kid. That doesn't mean that I could go up against a trained astronaut 10 years younger than I because I am "older" and have more "experience". That is just silly.

By far, Eric Cantor towers over Czarbama in the political arena, and Czarbama is indeed inferior to Eric Cantor. I know the moonbats and Leftinistra won't like to hear that but, too bad and so sad.

A New York Times piece in the Caucus has a peculiar title...I am not sure if I am barking up the wrong tree but the title is as follows: "Singing Cantor's Praises". I wasn't the only one that noticed this but, does anyone see the "cuteness" in the title? Remember, Cantor is Jewish.

The Jewish Press is also writing about this as is Haaretz. The significance of Jewish press coverage of Eric Cantor escapes me so it must be either blogging fatigue, #dontgo fatigue or something else. As per our Constitution, one's "religious affiliation" isn't supposed to be one of those litmus test items of contention.

The three linked articles give good reviews of Eric Cantor but, the fun has only just begun. The more I look into Eric Cantor, the more I like him. Why? Because the Leftinistra are scared silly about him. That's why. And, whatever will send a Leftinistra socialist hack over the edge frothing at the mouth with venom spewing from their hateful pores and spittle dripping from their scrawny chins, I am all for.

Media Lizzy from Heading Right broke this story on a possible Cantor VP slot LONG before the Lame Stream tried to claim it. Since then, the following have also reported, in the order of which I ran across them and this is the Short List: Gateway Pundit - Right Truth - STACLU - TAB - Hot Air - TWT - more to follow. These are just a few that I have collected. AS time goes by, I will store other notable articles and posts in my public reader.

Not one VP possibility on the GOP side has received the kudos that Eric Cantor has received in the hundreds of posts and articles that I have read. All of the others have received kudos but they have also received very negative responses from the Conservasphere. Eric Cantor, in my opinion is a Three-Legged Conservative.

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