Friday, August 15, 2008

John F'n Kerry On The Run


From Jeff Beattys' web site:

I just signed the online petition at Jeff Beattys' site asking Massachusetts voters to retire John Kerry from the US Senate in the next election. As a fellow American who has been hurt by Kerry's Senate reign, I thought it might interest you.

For the past 24 years, the "elite millionaire" John Kerry has enjoyed his status as a Senator, raising taxes for the middle and working classes while he jets around on his private plane.

Kerry has spent his tenure crushing middle and working class families and small businesses with his pro-tax agenda. He has not passed a single bill into law in over 8 years; when he votes it is against tax relief and deductions for average American citizens.

But Kerry is most known for supporting his personal agenda with flip-flopping statements, like the infamous "I actually did vote for the $87 billion dollars, before I voted against it."

This November, we have a chance to retire John Kerry for good, and replace him with a Senator that will fight for every American, not just the rich and elite.

Please join me in the effort to retire John Kerry by signing the petition online and forwarding this email to anyone you know that is concerned about the future of our country.

Thank you.
I encourage Americans across this great nation to sign this official document and send John F'n Kerry packing to bottle mustard.

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