Monday, August 25, 2008

Let The Feuding Begin Anew!


Haven't I told everyone I know and don't know that Hillary ain't done yet?

Exclusive: Obama- Clinton feud reignites
As Democrats arrived here Sunday for a convention intended to promote party unity, mistrust and resentments continued to boil among top associates of presumptive nominee Barack Obama and his defeated rival, Hillary Rodham Clinton. [...]

[...] Some senior Democrats close to Obama, meanwhile, made clear in not-for-attribution comments that they were equally irked at the Clinton operation. Nearly three months after Hillary Clinton conceded defeat in the nomination contest, these Obama partisans complained, her team continues to act like she and Bill Clinton hold leverage. [...]

[...] One senior Obama supporter said the Clinton associates negotiating on her behalf act like "Japanese soldiers in the South Pacific still fighting after the war is over."

A prominent Obama backer said some of Clinton's lieutenants negotiating with the Obama team are "bitter enders" who presume that, rather than the Clintons reconciling themselves to Obama's victory, it is up to Obama to accommodate them. [...]

[...] The peevishness on both sides and the volume of behind-the-scenes catcalls are noteworthy because both the Clinton and Obama teams had resolved in pre-convention talks that it was overwhelmingly in the interests of both sides to get along. [...]
Well hell! Let's insult some more now allies by slandering Japanese Soldiers why don't we? Good God Almighty!! They remind me of little children arguing over a toy screaming, "MINE! MINE! MINE!" This is ludicrous - no pun intended. Methinks Fox News is slightly behind the times as usual. They are reporting that Unity has begun.

And what is it with the democrats being all warm and fuzzy-like about being clean and well spoken? Biden said that about Obama and now Keith Wright is saying that about Biden.

Anyway, the feuding might have something to do with a previous report about Hillary releasing her delegates by Wednesday. Apparently, this isn't going to happen.

Some seem to think that the Missing Link in DNC style politics will be revealed at the convention. Not hardly. It has been in plain sight to me for decades. Hate and spite, hate and spite; racism, sexism and more hate and spite. Hell. I caught onto that years ago. It is only "missing" if you suffer from willful suspension of disbelief.

So, let the feuding continue as Hillary takes into account that there was no bounce for adding Joe Biden, yet just another old dude with white hair that isn't his own.

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