Thursday, August 14, 2008

Nanna: Sleeping With The Enemy


Poor Nanna. She cannot catch a break. In 6 hours and 20 minutes, (1300 CST) I will have the afternoon American Truth Warriors show on TOCB Radio and we will play some clips in regards to Miss Nanna's quagmire self-induced. Be sure to tune in.

In the meanwhile, this is from El Rushbo and when El Rushbo is on your tail, you don't have a prayer. Or, if you are a libtard, you don't have a snails' chance on Pluto.
Story #10: Nancy Pelosi Discovered in Bed with T. Boone Pickens

RUSH: Oh, by the way, there's Boone Pickens up on TV. Boone Pickens, it has been learned last spring, Nancy Pelosi, according to her own financial forms, invested something like 50 to $125,000 in Boone Pickens' plan to eventually power vehicles in this country on natural gas. She got in on the initial public offering of this when the thing went public. Now, it is in the best interests of Boone Pickens and all of his investors to keep gasoline prices high to make the natural gas alternative attractive. And who is it that doesn't want any drilling for oil to add to the supply but none other than Nancy Pelosi. Gas prices are the tipping point, four-dollar gasoline. The American people want something done about it. It's easily understandable. She's the one, along with the Democrats, standing in the way of this on purpose. Now we learn that she's invested in Boone Pickens' company that, for their little plan to pay off we need gas prices to stay high, to make the alternatives that Pickens is trying to sell to people attractive, and she's joined that effort. There's a great question here for conflict. So she's seen all this, "Okay, I'm open to scheduling a vote." But they'll come up with a piece of legislation that's as reckless and worthless as what the Gang of Ten came up with in the Senate.
Stay tuned.

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