Sunday, August 3, 2008

One Of These Days...


One of these days, I will be blessed, honored and humbled to be in the presence of beth from Blue Star Chronicles. She has been a stalwart supporter of The Troops for a seemingly eternity. If I ever do managed to be in her presence, this humbled veteran will give her a grateful and heartfelt bear hug.

I was once a Troop. Therefore, I will forever remain a Troop. I swore my Oath of Service only to return to a seemingly ungrateful segment of our society. That is to be expected because their parents didn't teach them any better and their teachers and professors and instructors didn't teach them any better.

I normally do not post another bloggers' content on any of my posts out of respect for their work and normally take snippets and link back to them. That is proper protocol. However, the following is an exception to that rule.

With that said, I will say this. Czarbama, his followers, his handlers, his enablers and financiers can kiss my ass.

McCain and Obama and Our Troops by beth
The difference between John McCain's interaction with American troops and Obama's is a reflection of how different the two men are. McCain appears natural and comfortable with Men at Arms. His interactions give every appearance of mutual respect.

Obama, on the other hand, appears .... well .... we don't know how he interacts with the troops because he seems to avoid that as carefully as he avoids a debate with McCain.

Enjoy this video of McCain with the troops … and Obama's shame.
I find it vastly peculiar when I hear silly people say that there isn't much difference between McCain and Czarbama. I seriously question their synapse pathways are in order when I hear such things. But, that's just me.

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