Saturday, August 23, 2008

Pelosi, Pickens, Prop 10...Raping The American Tax Payer


See this article for background...

Well? I do believe that the WSJ heard us...they fact-checked the poor slogs at FactCheck. In an article entitled, Pelosi Investment Shows Unlikely Energy Alliance, it is revealed that T Boone Pickens is beguiling The Pelosi and The Pelosi has been snookered? Not hardly. Her husband's "tiny investment" by buying way below the then market price reeks of impropriety, just like we have previously reported.
[...] Asked if the investment could raise the appearance of impropriety, even if it is legal, Mr. Hammill said such a standard would mean the speaker or her spouse wouldn't be able to own shares in any company given the comprehensive nature of her position.

The Pelosis got in on the ground floor at Clean Energy, purchasing shares in an auction when Mr. Pickens publicly launched the company on May 25, 2007. Clean Energy markets compressed natural gas and liquefied natural gas as a fuel for motor vehicles. The investment was valued at $50,000 to $100,000 when the shares opened at $12.10 apiece, according to Mrs. Pelosi's financial disclosure forms. These forms list investments only as a range of values. The purchase is listed as stock held by the speaker's husband, successful financier and businessman Paul Pelosi. [...]
Sounds like the usual poli-speak to me.
[...] But Mr. Pickens's recent embrace of renewable energy has made him the darling of the Democrats. Since introducing his "Pickens' Plan," the Texas oil billionaire has met with presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama, Senate Majority Leader Reid, Mrs. Pelosi and other top Democratic lawmakers.

Mr. Pickens "was my mortal enemy," Mr. Reid said in July. "He's my pal now." [END]
Be sure to go read the rest of the article, especially the "Key Platform Plank" section. No. No influence peddling there. GAWD!!


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