Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Speaker Pelosi: The Pressure Mounts


Last evening, on first glance, it appeared that the Speaker of the People's House was beginning to cave into the House Republicans demanding that the American People's demands were met. Not so fast. All she is doing is buying time and it won't work.

Her interview with CNN's Larry King was applauded by those clueless and laughable by those that have been investigating Nancy Pelosi under the radar. Her continual unethical behavior after promising an open Congress and the most ethical Congress in US History is beginning to shine light on her true intentions and abuse of power.

With the discovery of Nancy Pelosi's financial ties to T Boone Pickens and the CLNE and upon further digging, more chickens have come home to roost. Unless an individual willfully suspends their disbelief, the unethical and quite possible illegal activity of the Speaker is woefully apparent.

One of CLNE's underwriters is WR Hambrecht whose owner is a known left-wing activist contributing thousands to the socialist agenda of various "liberal" candidates across the nation. Being linked in principle and ideologies, a known left-wing activist group Center For American Progress will be hosting a gathering of heavy hitters known to Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid in Nevada. The gathering will be part of the National Clean Energy Summit in August.

However, this association is merely the tip of the scandal.

It has also been learned that a possible "insider trading" scandal will soon be unearthed and Nancy Pelosi is in the middle of it with her betrayal of trust from the American People is being exposed day by day. It is no wonder then that she appears to on the "I care about America" meme on CNN.

In follow up discovery and upon reading the SEC documentation a request to the FTC is being formulated to have the actions of Nancy Pelosi investigated for insider trading violations and using her political clout and power as third in line to the US Presidency for financial gain. She stands to make billions in this transaction.

[...] The Democrats, with possibly a few Republicans, are more focused on "saving the planet" out of their belief in the global warming hoax, and limit their energy plan to alternative energy solution such as the Pickens Plan Nancy Pelosi has invested in, releasing oil from the SPR, and continuing to develop biodiesel and ethanol while, as a possible "compromise" allowing SOME offshore drilling. [...]
The ulterior motives are astoundingly evident merely on the surface. As more and more Americans are demanding that the energy crisis building up with each and every passing day be addressed and the democrat Party leadership refusing the will of the American People, one can only conclude that there is indeed something amiss.

In two articles in The Hill, Nancy Pelosi reveals her inability to conduct the Nation's business and in the other the GOP further reveals her dishonesty and her lack of professional and personal integrity.

Nancy Pelois's recent stunt in DC is another example of a DNC distraction technique employed when caught between a rock and another rock with more rocks being piled on top. What are the reasons, other than trying to save the planet which isn't her job, that she constantly bucks the will of the American People? What is her end game? Is she trying to buy time to cover her tracks while cashing in on the alternative energy scheme?

And, why is she so involved in a major land grab scheme that would make the Robber Barons of years of yore giddy? And, why is she so interested in private ownership of American water supplies?

So many questions with not so many viable answers.

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Further reading: mm.com

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