Sunday, August 10, 2008

Strolling Through The Hyper World


Fausta posts a video of Alfonzo explaining why he is a Conservative which just so happens to tie in nicely to the recent demise of the Old Passe Media and thus giving way to the Main Street Media as explained by Mike Pence.

While reading an article, once again by Fausta, it only solidified the fact that Czarbama is without a doubt the Marxist his mentors would be proud of. The article was about Hugo Chavez and his socialization of Venezuela. Denying the close ties Czarbama and those that "feel" as he does is tantamount to the willful suspension of disbelief.

Coupling that with his vacation to Hawaii and avoiding an appearance, once again, with the Troops with McCain at Fort Hood for a Townhall, perhaps it will expose further his continual contempt for the United States Armed Forces. His apparent fear of an encounter with McCain is laughable and utterly revealing.

Taking a peak at the #dontgo movement web site, I ran across a post in regards to what Alexa Shrugged witnessed on the House Floor as the GOP Rebellion was making historic inroads and historic exposure of the would-be Czarina of the People's House. With the advent of the #dontgo movement, came the surprising demise of the fabled MoveOn group. Their efforts to silence the movement "udderly" and dismally failed.

I also read the letter to Lindsey Graham written by Scott from SC in regards to the Ten Thugs, aka Gang of Ten. I suggest we all read this and utilize it as a template for future letters to our non-representative representatives. The letter contains items such as:
[...] I won't waste your time by telling you that you and the other four Republican Senators in the so called "gang of ten" have been a huge disappointment to us regarding your "leftist" actions in the Senate. [...]
The letter is very well written and I agree with the sentiments wholeheartedly. In conjunction with this letter, I offer this article. It explains the utter ignorance of the Gang of Ten and their incredulous lunacy. We are on the brink of fuel independence and they are trying to slam those doors shut. When you write your letters and make those phine calls, use the data within the report.

Amazingly enough, I have read hundreds of blog posts today. I have confirmed the content of Sonlit Knight's post entitled, Obama meltdown could be historic. It isn't that it "could be" historic, it is in fact historic. And the meltdown isn't that McCain is making a "come back" which, he certainly is albeit ever on an upwards crawl, it is the fact that the emotional gravy train is at its end for Czarbama.

I predicted over 6 months ago that the eerie and uncanny emotional commotion surrounding The One was going to die off and leave his followers, supporters and stretcher bearers spent and out of gas - no pun intended. We witnessed the emotional collapse when it was apparent and factual that the Old Media tried to revive that emotional escapade. The emotion train is at its end. One cannot lift up such an emotional torrent for extended periods of time.

It is at this time that I would like to thank Madam Pelosi for uniting Republicans, Democrats and Independents alike. The vast majority of Americans are fed up with her kind no matter their political party membership.

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