Friday, August 8, 2008

BREAKING: Russia Invades Georgia...UPDATED


The news is trickling in so we will have updates as the day goes by.

PJM - FOX - Redstate - Breitbart -

Apparently, Russia needs to "cleanse the area" and two Russian aircraft were said to be shot down.

President Bush has asked everyone to stop fighting.

Catch the wave at Memeorandum...and here...

Georgia, Russia Close to War Over Breakaway Republic
Georgia Claims Its Troops Control South Ossetia; Russian Forces Reportedly Moving on Capital
Georgia Claims Its Troops Control South Ossetia; Parts of Russia's 58th Army Reportedly Moving on Capital


Yahoo News: Casualties mounting...


Capital falling to the Russians...
CNN now reporting via Memeorandum...


Gateway Pundit...


Blackfive...Russia blowing up?


Hot Air


Bash at PD...
McCain agrees with GWB...everybody stop fighting...
Russia threatens to retaliate after their aircraft were shot down after they invaded...HUH??...
LGF again...
Redstate again...


Russia still pushing in
War widens...
Washington Watch blog
Commentary Mag
Power Line
Michelle Malkin


UHOH! ABC News...
The United States has told Russia to withdraw its forces from US ally Georgia and stop its air attacks on the tiny Caucasus state following fighting in the breakaway region of South Ossetia. [...]
That isn't good.


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