Thursday, September 25, 2008

Czarbie: Suppressor of Constitutional Rights


The following is yet one more example of Czarbie's unsportsmanlike conduct. Not only is he a sore loser, a liar and a racist, he tries to use the legal system to shut people down that he feels is being not him. I suppose if one were to agree with him, support him and vote for him, those folks would be free to do and say what they please no questions asked and would be considered as being nice. HT to Gateway Pundit, please visit the "Truth Squads" report here. They are uncannily reminiscent of the South American, Middle Eastern and Asian Death Squads.

Then again, his people sure do like that quack job Che Guacamole.

There are more examples of this but the above is the most recent.

PJM has a piece up on this as well from a while back.

More at Memeorandum...

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