Friday, September 26, 2008

The Deal Is Dead and The People Win


The Detroit News:
[...] Everything that has been done for the last six months has been done to cope with what previous actions were supposed to prevent. A perhaps pertinent axiom: There is no education in the second kick of a mule. [...] George Will

[...] Bailing out people who made ill-advised mortgages makes no more sense that bailing out people who lost their life savings in Las Vegas casinos. [...] Thomas Sewell

[...] There are no provisions for -- or even promises of -- disclosure, accountability or transparency. [...] William Kristol
Powerful stuff there, eh?

Fox News:
[...] I can't quite imagine that they're moving forward with it. I mean, it's wrong in every way. It's wrong to take money and bail out Wall Street. [...] Newt Gingrich
Voa News:
[...] There are those in the public debate who say we must act now...The last time I heard that, I was on a used car lot. [...] Mike Pence
[...] You’d think we’d have learned by now: when the backstop of the federal treasury makes it easier for politicians, lenders, borrowers, welfare recipients, government contractors, or anyone else, to serve their own self interest at the expense of the taxpayer, many will do just that.

That is why we continue to see self-dealing, moral lapses, outright fraud and lack of management and oversight in a wide array of programs and government-sponsored entities, from housing to Medicare, education and the Small Business Administration, all costing taxpayers billions, even trillions of dollars. [...] Fred Thompson
Let the whiners whine, no matter who they are. Here's one; WaPo:
You're angry. I'm angry. House Republicans are angry. We're all angry at having to put up huge amounts of cash to rescue a financial system because a lot of very rich people rolled the dice with other people's money and lost.

Now let me tell you something very simple and very important: You can try to prevent a financial meltdown or you can teach Wall Street a lesson, but you can't do both at the same time. [...]
Cork sent. HT to Ace for the link to a pictorial as to how all of this happened.

Done deal...still dead...

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